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We offer comprehensive assessments for children which cover a range of diagnoses including ADHD and specific learning difficulties (eg: dyslexia, dyscalculia). If you'd like to book an assessment for your child, please complete our online enquiry form.


These assessments provide valuable information for the child, parents, teachers and caregivers regarding difficulties that may be impacting on the child's learning or development.


If you are unsure which assessment is most appropriate for your child, our reception team will be happy to explain our range of assessments and help you decide which to choose.


As a result of a learning / educational assessment, our psychologists can diagnose:

  • Specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia (problems with reading, spelling, writing, maths)

  • Attention and memory difficulties (eg: ADHD)

  • Intellectual disability

  • Intellectual giftedness

What does the assessment involve?

The assessment process is generally conducted over a 3-4 week period and consists of:

  • An initial session with the child's parent/s only, to discuss relevant background information and ascertain whether an assessment is appropriate

  • Assessment session/s with the child only

  • A feedback session in which a comprehensive assessment report is provided and feedback about the assessment results and any diagnosis is given

Will the psychologist provide a diagnosis?

Yes. If your child meets the required criteria for a specific diagnosis.


It may be appropriate for your child to see a paediatrician or psychiatrist following their ADHD and/or learning assessment. Please note there are no psychiatrists or paediatricians at our practice and any fees charged by these specialists will be in addition to the fee for our assessment.


How much does an assessment cost?

The fee for child ADHD & Learning assessments is $2850 which includes assessment session/s, a comprehensive written report and feedback session. There are no Medicare rebates for learning or ADHD assessments for children.


Please note, a 50% deposit is required at the time of booking your child's assessment.


How do I arrange an assessment my child?

You do not need a referral to book an assessment. Simply call our reception on 9456 0411 or complete our New Client Enquiry Form.

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